UI/Visual Designer

Improving List Group Management

Improving the UX and UI of Highspot’s Global List Group management page to make the experience better and faster for enterprise customers.


I was the sole designer for this project. My role included user research, UX and UI/Visual Design, and regularly presenting to stakeholders along with PM.

Tools Used: Sketch, InVision

UI/Visual Design, UX Design, Interaction Design

Project Duration: 8 weeks


Project Summary



Highspot content publishers often find themselves creating similar Lists and List Groups across multiple Spots (a collection of content items)—for example, product names or audiences. Global Lists allow for the creation of Lists and List Groups at the company level so that Spot Owners can incorporate them into their own Spots.

The old Global List UI was very compact, making it hard to organize lists and know which caret to expand

Customer Problems

The issues with the old Global List management page came to our attention via direct feedback from customers. We learned that some of our enterprise customer have up to 7,000 List Groups and at that number, the settings page was starting to break down:

  • The page was taking a very long time to load

  • Reordering and moving Lists was challenging

  • New List Groups were not added in a consistent or expected location

  • Specific List Groups were hard to find


We had limited time to work on these improvements so had to scope the improvements to these key goals based on our research findings:

  • Improve the reordering experience for customers with a large number of Global List Groups

  • Improve the editing experience by making it more clear how to edit properties and add nested Lists and List Groups

  • Design a way for users to find specific Lists quickly




Customer Interviews

We conducted interviews with some of our customers across a variety of company sizes to learn more about how they use Global Lists and what challenges they were having with the existing experience. We learned some key findings that influenced our eventual design direction:

  • A reason many enterprise customers have so many List Groups is localization. They have the same List Groups translated into many different languages and need to create a separate List Group for each

  • The drag and drop interaction made it unclear where the List would land when users dropped it

  • Reordering List Groups was simply a way to make it easier to find specific Lists due to there not being a way to search

  • Users found it difficult to create Lists and List Groups in the right order due to new Lists appearing at the top of the Group instead of the bottom



I started with pen and paper and sketched out ideas on multiple approaches for improving our customer’s experience. I worked with my PM to narrow down the ideas to a few solid approaches to build mocks for. We presented the different directions to our stakeholders and had follow-up conversations with the customers we met with at the beginning of the project to test our ideas.




New filter to find specific List Groups and ability to narrow down by language


Improved drag and drop affordances and UI look and feel

WOW! It’s the little thinks like this that I love about Highspot. I popped in to adjust a Global List and never had an issue with it, but thought it could be better and seeing the new layout...I got super excited! It’s perfect!
— James P., a happy customer